An opportunity to meet Health ingredients, pharmaceuticals and bio tech industry in one place
- Expect synergy between industries by holding not only health ingredients and bio industries but also pharmaceutical industry exhibiting in CPHI Korea at the same time!
Online Matchmaking Platform
- Online Matchmaking Platform is provided for ampler opportunities. Don't miss the chance to meet potential buyers in person.
Explore HI Korea’s
Exclusive Programmes
Online Matchmaking Service Our complimentary Online Matchmaking Platform matches you with potential business partners based on the information you provided, allowing you to arrange meetings in advance before the in person event.
Hi Online CPHI Global's public portal, CPHI Online, highlights HI/CPHI Korea exhibitors up to one month after the exhibition, so we encourage pharmaceutical companies around the world to promote their companies and products and use it as an opportunity to find buyers.
Hosted Buyer Programme The Hosted Buyer Programme targets influential purchasers representing well-established companies & organizations looking for Pharma-related products, services and solutions.
*Exhibitors who wish to invite buyers, flight & accommodation might be provided through screening. -
Seminar & Conference Programme Do not miss the opportunity to promote your company, brand, and technologies through the ongoing seminars & conferences given by exhibitors and highlight your company with real-time Q&A sessions!